Thursday, February 6, 2014

Our Lady's 124th Border Crusade

Greetings again!

Sorry for the lack of updates over the past few days, but a nasty sickness kept me from the front lines. Probably some sort of Cryxian devilry, but, by the Will of the Creator, I was able to pull through. I did manage to get some painting in during a few moments of lucidity, and am happy to report that I've finally finished the first of my miniatures. I'll try to get some pics of them up this weekend to celebrate.

In the meantime, I thought I'd run over some of the narrative "fluff" for my particular battlegroup, which I've decided to name "Our Lady's 124th Border Crusade." I'm imagining them as peacekeeping forces stationed along the Northwestern border between Cygnar and the Protectorate. Their particular charge is the area immediately north of Sul, extending from the Holy City to just outside the Cygnar Fortress at Eastwall. Given their location, my troops' heavy use of the color blue in their apparel allows them to blend in and catch by surprise many of the less cautious Cygnar citizens living just outside the Protectorate's official limits.

Speaking of color schemes, the focus on blue in my Menoth forces mimics many Marian devotions within Christianity. I decided to base my troops' armor on the style and colors common to the tradition of iconography seen in the Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches. I'll give a more in-depth explanation as I get some pictures up, but my thinking (as regards the Iron Kingdoms setting) is that this ragtag army holds a particularly fervent devotion to the Protectorate's floating miracle of destruction, the Harbinger of Menoth. Having pledged their swords to her service, my hope is to work up to including the Harbinger herself in my armylist down the road. At the moment, however, my armies are led by my "Novice" Reclaimer, with occasional aid from High Exemplar Kreoss when the going gets tough.

Anyways, that's all for now. Hopefully I can get some actual gaming in next week, but with Templecon going on as we speak, my local gaming community is missing some of its premiere generals. As it is, I'm glad for the time to paint and further study the rulebook, as I stiil have quite a ways to go!

Friday, January 31, 2014

The Spoils of War

As proof of my (lack of) abilities, here is the participant's badge I won during the Journeyman League. Don't let the extra bars at the bottom fool you...most of my points were gained by assembling/painting my miniatures.

In a way, this is rather fitting, as what first drew me into the hobby was a desire for something fun and creative to offset the rather drab and, at times, repetitive activity of my work week. Don't get me wrong, I love working at a computer as much as the next guy, but every once in a while you just need to let your artistic side loose!

Blessings and Salutations!


You may call me the Novice Reclaimer. Just recently, I competed in a Privateer Press "Journeyman League" and was introduced to the Warmachine/Hordes miniature wargaming system. I am setting up this blog both to chronicle my own experiences of this fantastic hobby and to motivate myself to keep at it, even when my forces suffer defeat after defeat...

Being a fairly religious person in real life, I decided to dedicate myself to Warmachine's faction of holy zealots, the Protectorate of Menoth. In particular, I find the character of the High Reclaimer absolutely enthralling, despite the fact that those more knowledgeable about the game's meta tell me that he's not among the "win-iest" of Menoth's warcasters. Nevertheless, I propose to carry on with this brooding warcaster at the fore and pledge myself to his order of soul wardens. My armies may fall, but at least their souls will be safely carried into the bosom of the Creator.

Thanks for joining me in this adventure in wargaming and may the fires of holiness cleanse you of every tactical impurity!